Our Story

Back in 2020, my grandpa passed near the end of developing his own line of dressings.
As an avid salad lover and fitness enthusiast, I soon realized.. There wasn’t a salad dressing out there for people that actually serves the purpose of eating a salad.. TO BE FIT AND HEALTHY!
Recently, I’ve come to truly realize the importance of my long-term health. I want to be able to do the same things at 66 that I’m doing now at 26, (maybe with the exception of front flips)! and that is why I created this dressing. My goal is to enable you, regardless of your age, to be able to do anything you want without your health holding you back.
Reaching your protein goals can be a crucial part of this process, and we’re thrilled to be a small part of your journey toward transforming your body, and ultimately, your life.
- DJ Sollender, Founder / CEO